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Description:Agilent E4861A ParBERT 2.7Gb/s Data Module
Agilent E4861A ParBERT 2.7Gb/s Data Module module for ParBERT 81250Generate pseudo random word sequences (PRWS) and standard PRBS up to 231-1Analyze bit error ratios with user-defined data, PRBS or mixed data from parallel portsGenerate and analyze at data rates of 333 Mb/s to 2.7Gb/s / 1.65 Gb/s8 Mbit memory depth per channel
Generator module:
Data output: differential or single-endedAmplitude: 0.5 to 1.8V ppTransition Time (20%-80%): 90ps typ @ECL, LVDSJitter, data mode: <50ps ppJitter, clock mode: <5ps, rms
Analyzer module:
Data input: differential or single-endedImpedance: 50 ohmInput sensitivity: 50mVMax Input Voltage Range: -2V to +3V
Condition and warranty:
Product is used.
Smartech Consulting offers 7-day right of return and 90-day warranty.