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Description:Agilent HP OmniBER OTN Communications Analyzer The J7231B OmniBER OTN jitter analyzer offers high-accuracy jitter testing of SONET/SDH and ITU-T G.709 devices up to 10.71 Gb/s. Designed for design, verification and manufacturing applications, this analyzer has the measurement accuracy to demonstrate compliance to ITU-T and Telcordia standards. All-optical jitter test - 52 Mb/s to 10.71 Gb/s. Jitter (transmit, measurement, jitter tolerance, jitter transfer, unframed jitter measurements, parallel measurements, jitter versus time graph). Fully programmable user masks and jitter tolerance/jitter transfer masks. Wander Generation and Measurement exceeds ITU-T O.172. External modulation in, demodulated jitter output. All-optical wander test.